Sunday, May 24, 2009

Blame it on the fluoride

So how about I am really up set with every dentist in America. I just found out that Fluoride studies show a lowering of IQ in children associated with fluoride exposure. What!!! Wait their is more. the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has never approved any fluoride product designed for ingestion as safe or effective. Just when I thought it couldn't get worst come to find out fluoride accumulates in body over time because your kidneys only get ride of 50% of the fluoride that your body ingests. I am appalled. Just so you know your mouth absorbs things quickly to the blood stream, you don't even have to swallow. So when you brush your teeth followed by drinking from the water fountain then try to take an EXAM, when you don't get the grade you thought you deserved its not your fault blame it on the Fluoride.

Whats that I smell in the air I think its governmental conspiracy. What do you think?

Natural Hair Vs Permed Hair

So I was watching Tyra's Show, I love that show, and the topic was about good hair. There was this argument that long straight or wave hair was good hair and kinky hair was bad hair. This woman who gets perms said that we are living a in a Euro-American society and no longer living in Africa and we need to adapt to the customs. She even said that kinky her was undignified and unprofessional. As a person who is currently permed up growing my hair to be natural, I am completely appaulled by this statement. Their was this little African American girl who was 5 and she hated her hair so much she wore a hanna montana wig! She felt like she was pretty in it. I was so sad for her because I never felt like that, not about my hair anyway. I feel like the black culture is beautiful, organic and diverse. I don't believe in GOOD HAIR. Its stupid no hair type who be better than another. The media and society as a whole keeps brainwashing my people into this ridiculous ideas that I think its just sickening. However I could be stuck in a fantasy world.

Do you agree that all people should adapt to euro-american culture?